My friend and I visited my primary school in winter vacation and taught half of kids in the school how to code.

Nevertheless We didn't get paid a dollar, I know for sure this experience would be one of the most meaningful and joyful time I've ever spent in my vacation.

So this is how things happened. About 3 months ago, I saw an genious coding tutorial packed by AngryBird logic from this website on facebook, and I was totally into it even I was not a kid at all.

I was wondering, how do really kids like it? At the same time, I was accepted to join Life is Tech. In this context, the idea of teaching kids by tutorial provided by came to me naturally and I contacted my teacher in the school right away.

As a result, as you can see from the photo at very top of this page. We did it.

This experience was wonderful for me not just because I made it to introduce the tutorial, but also because that I tried in person something that I thought will be great to have, and of course, it was even greater than I thought. :)